
October Budget

As we're just a couple of days away, I thought I would put up our budget for October.

This month has five pay days, which is why the income section is higher than normal.

The cell phone bills and enmax are guesses based on previous use - and I update these as the bills come in throughout the month.

whoo hoo! My insurance went down by about $30/month!

Jordan and I changed our allowances to be $25/week instead of $100/week.  Which means that our planned spending (aka, planned master card bill) will be a bit higher.  As you can see above, I'm going to start out budgeting for $1,500.

Yup....it's a big mastercard bill.  But we can pay it off, in full!

We had some work done to my car over the past couple of weeks.  This amount pays that bill.


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