
Making Vino!

Stirring in the Chemicals
Back in April, on my Good News! post commenter Janette suggested that Jordan and I look into making wine as a way to help manage our spending on Alcohol without having to necessarily limit our consumption of it...well Janette - thank you!

For my 30th birthday back in July my mom and my husband went in together to buy a starter kit and the supplies along with a three hour course and I was up and on my way!  I've bottled my first kit, and have started on my second - a Reisling kit from Costco.


So far it's been super fun!  We hit a garage sale and got more supplies so I could keep going and keep learning.  I want to start a third wine (another red) and then start to investigate beer making with Jordan!

I need to be careful not to spend too much $$ as I get started - but I think I now have everything I need to keep going (except of course a new wine kit which includes the juice and chemicals to make the wine).


  1. Hey thanks for the mention! This has dramatically reduced our alcohol budget (although probably increased our consumption :/). I hope you enjoy it and have good luck! There is a bit of a cost outlay at first, but we spend about $50-$100/month now on booze (mainly kits) as opposed to the $300+ previously that would cause a little freak out after I added it up every month! We've been pretty pleased with the quality too, and now when we buy what used to be a regular bottle of wine for us (~$20) is a big occasion and a huge treat!

    1. Hey Janette! I'm glad you saw this, I wasn't sure if you would. We're looking forward to the budget shift and to just trying the fruits (ha-ha) of our labour!

      My local wine shop just carries the Wine Expert line - I would love to know your favorite kit brand(s)?

      I've also been hanging out a lot on a wine forum, and am thinking about trying out this recipe:


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