
I Heart Employer Paid Benefits

I truly do.

About a year ago or so ago Jordan and I claimed each other as common-law spouses on each others employer paid benefit plans - and I've finallly taken advantage of it.

I usually wear glasses, but every so often I would rather wear contacts as an option.  I went through the fitting rig-a-marole ($35) and then bought 90 days worth of contacts ($144).  Because I wear them so sporatically 90 days worth of single use contacts, will likely last me the whole year.

We filled out the vision claim form the night before last, and Jordan's going to submit it tomorrow...tomorrow b/c I forgot to give it back to him and it's sitting in my purse w/ receipts.

We're submitting to his benefits plan first b/c I've used the available vision benefit with my employer's plan already on my glasses - hopefully that's okay and they don't make us submit to them aways - get the formal rejection and then submit to Jordan's employers.

We shall see.


  1. Our system would make me submit mine to my insurance, get the rejection and then submit it to my husband's. I love having the insurance but often there are hoops to jump through.

  2. @ Jolie - damn! I just doubled checked and you're right. I have to submit to my benefits first.

    le sigh.

  3. Even with the submission-rejection-resubmission cycle, I think it's nice to have 2 benefits. We get insurance for me and Mike from my employer since the benefits are better. Unfortunately I qualify for glasses/contacts only once every 2 years. :-(

  4. At least you have the forms handy, being in HR and all.

  5. It's good that your insurance covers vision because it didn't for me with my last job. It leads those who don't to have to get glasses sent to them from Hong Kong like me!

  6. Make sure you keep copies of everything you have sent with the dates you sent them. Sometimes you need to fall back on those when things go south.

  7. @ Jerry - it's pretty great. Both Gordan and I have vision coverage.

    @Jolie - I've kept triplicates of everything LoL


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