Currently Jordan and I have a small truck (which we just paid off) and a small car. We've decided, in the interest of becoming debt free as fast as possible and fast tracking our savings for a home of our own - to sell my car.
The small truck is the most versitile of our vehicles (for camping etc.) and the car, w/ its low mileage is the most sellable.
We've listed the car for $2,500, in hopes that we'll be able to come close to the $2,000 mark. Needless to say, I spent a few hours yesterday cleaning the car out and making it pretty for it's new owner. In addtional to the money we'll get for the car, we'll also save on insuring a second vehicle and gas for a second vehicle - of course those costs will increase for the pickup - but it should sitll work out to be less.
Jordan and I will carpool, as i can drive right by his work on the way to mine. In the summer, he'll likely walk/bike home. Come winter, we'll re-evaulatue and might use some transit.