
December Goals

It's Christmas!  Okay, it's not Christmas yet, but I love living in the spirit for the whole month of December (and well into January) - so let's keep this month's goals easy:

  1. Finish Christmas Shopping by December 15th 
  2. Stay within $100 of joint Christmas Budget
  3. Reach all 2009 financial goals
  4. Make a plan for just in case we don't find a roommate
  5. Enjoy the holidays
  6. Do some yummy baking and share it with friends and family
  7. Try to make some extra cash
What are you going to try to accomplish this month?


  1. Yay for Christmastime! I too plan to enjoy some yummy baking. :) What do you usually make? Bread, cookies, cakes?

  2. To stay under budget and to make an extra $1,000.

    Those are my goals for the month.

    I'm interested in how your budget looks planning for not having a roommate. I'm so sorry that you have to go through all that trouble!

  3. My goals?

    To make a dent, a big dent, in my wedding fund.


    Good luck this month!!!

  4. I'm trying to accomplish making an extra 250 this month and working out 10 times. I sincerely hope you guys can find a roommate so your not stressed. Good luck!

  5. I just stumbled upon your blog while trying to find out how much christmas trees cost.... and I really must know how you do your little savings percentage tracking on the side of your page?! I LOVE it!!!! I am horrible at saving and am trying to come up with ways to save and still be able to see the progress towards my goals. I think this way is something that would be encouraging and helpful! Could you please help me out?! I would really appreciate it!

    If you'd like, you can email me at tiffanyleigh21@gmail.com

    Thanks a bunch!!


  6. My goals?
    1. START Christmas shopping.
    2. Don't OVERSPEND on said shopping.
    3. Put more $$$ than usual toward the credit card I used :(
    4. Enjoy the holidays and try NOT to work too much.


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