
Keeping Cool & Saving

Last year we completely forgot - but we're more on top of it this spring/summer.  Last night, we turned OFF the pilot for our fireplace.  I'm not sure how much we'll save, but not paying for the gas to keep it running 24/7 has got to equal some $$.

We also changed the furnace filter and need to remember to keep on top of this better - we can go six months before changing it, and we're really meant to at least every three months.

Last but not least, we will keep our curtains/blinds closed when we leave for work - it will help keep the house cool and we'll rely on the ceiling fans less to cool us down which will have us spending less in electricity.

What are you doing to keep cool and still save?

1 comment:

  1. Right now, I'm not needing the AC or the Furnace. Which is saving electricity and propane. I keep the shades pulled on the South side of the house.


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