Our networth continues to increase bit, by bit with steady debt repayment and growth in our retirement and other investment plans. This month we've gone up 2.71% overall to just shy of $105,000.
We're down to $8,500 owing on the Escape, and $19,500 on the Kia with the LOC up to $24K...yes, I said up. It went up a bit. I paid of the c/c using the LOC so we didn't get hit by big interest charges.
We might have some good news soon though with both my and Jordan's salary - so we should get the LOC going down more significantly by the years end.
Oh? You want to know what we spent using the C/C and why we didn't plan (read, have the cash) for it? I was hoping no one would ask. Okay...here goes:
- Renewed our satellite radio subscriptions ($100)
- Replaced the smashed passenger side mirror on the Kia ($600)
- New 10 year passport ($180)
- New prescription for glasses ($180) - waiting for reimbursement
- Stuff for making wine ($180)
- Birthdays (probably $1,000 between the both of us)
- A variety of clothes, gifts, eating out ect)
All told - I added about $3K to the LOC today by paying of the M/C.
I'm very overdue for a spending reconciliation...going to be hard, but it's going to get done and posted this week.