

Weekly Spend - February (week 2)

I fell behind in weekly spend reports for February so this is a bit of a catch-up.  Given our splurge on photography for Little Miss' birthday and the Costco shop - we're already over budget for the month.  Here's a look: Let's go through this month so far - Both vehicles needed fuel this...


Costco Shop

This past weekend we did a Costco run to stock up on a few essentials (and some non-essentials).  We have to be careful shopping at Costco.  It is easy to assume everything costs less - many things do but not everything.  It's also key to not spend on something that costs less if you...


January Wrap Up

January 2020 has passed already!  Let's look at how we did.  Let's start with week five.  We had to fuel up the vehicle this week.  We were really good about avoiding eating out - and I think only bought a six-pack at some point. Home Maintenance was just a few more odds-and-ends...


Weekly Spend - January (week 4)

Okay!  Week four down - and we've landed a bit high. Groceries had a spike because we did some extra groceries to have around 15 people over for Baby Girl's first birthday. Little Man needed some special cream for his hands so medical was higher (usually it's zero). Kids Stuff was 1/4 payment...


Soup Stock Day!

It's Soup Stock Day! Every month or two or three, I save scraps of carrots, onion, celery, and bones from Roast or Chicken so I can make a big pot of soup stock.  It's a great way to make your food budget go just a bit further - plus it is tasty. Unless your four - in which case, my toddler...


Caselot Sale!

I spend a bit of time lurking on Reddit's personal finance forums and there seems to be a lot of chatter about how much people spend on groceries.  So I want to spend a bit of time thinking about how our money is spent in this area, in more detail.  I don't typically keep grocery receipts,...

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