Phew! 2015!
This graph shows both what we spent each month in 2015 in each category, but the total sum of our spend over the whole year.
Gas is what it is - we drive a lot. Well, I think a lot in comparison to folks who didn't live 7 months apart and drove at least 600kms every weekend plus all the commuting for me was around 75kms a day until I went on leave. We also had a family emergency later on in the year which had me and my mom driving quite a bit to different parts of BC.
Groceries & Eating Out
I want to mention here that groceries includes house cleaning supplies, dog treats, diapers (when we buy disposables), basically everything that you can buy in a grocery store. We also were buying groceries for my in Alberta and splitting costs with my mom in BC. With so much time on the road this year, Im not surprised by the eating out. Since being in BC, its pretty common for my family to eat out for lunches, and Jordan and I have tried to pick up the tab quite a bit. Going into 2016, I think that these will go down quite a bit as we settle into a new routine here. Also, we're just going to have less money - so there's that.
We really just started buying
Alcohol again in the latter half of the year. I'm breastfeeding, so won't be indulging very often and Jordan doesn't drink a lot without me. So I see this staying pretty low.
This is netflix, movies, lottery tickets here and there for Jordan, sometimes wine making supplies. If anything, I think this will go down....I can't see going to the theatre very often with a newborn, but really would love to take Little Man camping a few times in the summer.
This is sometimes dog food (but more often than nit that is tracked as groceries), the kennel from time to time, and treats or toys every so often. I don't see a whole lot changing here.
I don't see anything changing for
Medical, Education or Vehicle Maintenance. Once a lose a bit more baby weight, Ill need to look through my wardrobe and see what still works and what doesn't so I think the
Clothing category won't change a whole lot. I'm tracking everything for Little Man under
Baby, so his stuff won't go under clothing. Speaking of the
Baby category - this includes everything for Little Man from our Cloth Diapering supplies, to clothes, to toys, to his crib & dresser. We're pretty set up now, we had a wonderful baby shower, and he was spoiled over the holidays too. We of course have picked up some things from us - but I don't see any BIG baby purchases in the new year. Just clothes and diapers as he needs them I think...but what do I know, I've never had a baby before.
I tried to get a bit of a handle on
Gifts this year, but we always splurge some in July and December. We always have the money saved ahead of time so Im not worried about this too much.
We spent a lot in
Home Maintenance this year - in part because we were preparing our house to sell in Alberta, and in part because we've tried to contribute to my mom's house where we can as well. This number will either go way, way down as we sell our home in Alberta - or go way, way up if we buy a fixer-upper in BC. So time will tell here.
So there you have it. This what Jordan, I and Little Man spent in 2015 on our variable and planned spending.
Are you happy with where your money went in 2015? Are you making any changes if you weren't?