
Bi-Weekly Budget & Goodbye to the NSL

Today is a pretty stellar day.

Today My Canada (National) Student Loan Has Been Paid Off!

Okay, so all of my online payments haven't gone through yet, so according to nslcs it's not paid off - but as far as I'm concerned it is.  The balance this morning was $472.97.  My regular $75 payment is due today and I transfered an additional $397.97 first thing.  So, my new balance will be $0.  

Here is my bi-weekly budget:

My pay is only this big because I had an extra 37.50 hours of banked time paid out.  I'm currently planning on putting $400 towards my Christmas Fund and $400 on my visa (to pay off palm springs).  I believe that my horse board will go down to $90 in May, 2010 but I'll be confirming that tonight.  

~i hope you have a fabulous weekend~


  1. Very stellar day! Congrats!!!

  2. CONGRATS!!! Awesome job paying off the student loans, you'll be debt free in no time! Keep up the good work!!! :D

  3. WOOHOO!!!! Congrats!!!! :)

  4. Yayyy!! Onto the next one, GREAT JOB!!! Have a great weekend!

  5. I am jumping up and down with joy for you!! Good job.

  6. You have come so far in such a short time (since you began blogging). It will be exciting to see what you can accomplish in the times yet to come.


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