
36 Free (or almost free) Things To Do..

  1. Check out the community calendar
  2. Visit a local library
  3. Is it summer? Go to a park
  4. Take your pet for a walk
  5. Play board games
  6. Bake! Don’t know how? – learn!
  7. Learn how to juggle
  8. Meet your neighbours
  9. Have a potluck – you have to eat anywas, might as well do it with some friends, perhaps you could have a potluck while meeting your neighbours!
  10. Go for a test drive
  11. Do some spring cleaning
  12. Teach yourself how to knit. This can be free if you can borrow the tools from a grandparent or great aunt
  13. Take some digital pics and upload them on whatever social media platform you use – very free as long as you already have a camera
  14. Start a blog
  15. Teach yourself something new
  16. Pack your lunches for the week and freeze them
  17. Seduce your partner
  18. Exercise
  19. Cut your own hair
  20. Re-arrange a room
  21. Read a book
  22. Build a giant fort
  23. Make a phone call
  24. Have a yard sale
  25. Have a nap
  26. Do a puzzle – have an old newspaper, i bet it has a crossword in there
  27. Volunteer somewhere
  28. Do some yard work
  29. Play cards, try real cards not just on your computer
  30. Go swimming
  31. Blow bubbles
  32. Start a journal
  33. Play some old video games or computer games
  34. Go on a bike ride
  35. Go on a hike
  36. Write your own list of free or near free things to do and post it as a reply to this blog


  1. 37. Tell people you have a hobby. You will be inundated with supplies. Eg. I have 15 cameras now.


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