
April Spending Report

So, for some reason, that I can't figure out - Jordan and I spent a tonne of money on groceries in April.  Keeping in mind that our 'groceries' include toiletries, cleaning supplies and dog food - this number is still the highest I've ever seen it.

This leads me to the conclusion that we must have bought something that doesn't fall into these categories at Costco or Superstore that we've just forgotten about...time to start keeping receipts for a while I think.

I've include the year to date for each month, an average, and the percentage of total spending in each category for the average.  You can also see our day-to-day budget for each month, some are higher if there are 5 pay weeks and/or if I have 'topped up' the account if there was an emergency or money came from one of our planned spending funds.  Even still, after January, we have been steadily spending more than we intended - which has meant we're using money that was earmarked for the backyard, to avoid debt on the credit card.  

Home Maintenance for April included paint and painting supplies as well as a couple of flower pots for our newly painted bathroom.  It also includes a 'top up' on amazon.com - we bought a few things using a Christmas gift certificate and had to toss in some cash of our own.  
Eating out was high, however that tends to happen in months where we have an emergency.  My friend gave birth to her twins just under 32 weeks, it was a very high risk birth.  Mom, dad and the babies are okay now - but there was a lot of driving, eating, and feeding for our friends.

Hopefully May is a but calmer with the spending for food/booze.

1 comment:

  1. Did you have to replenish staples? Baking supplies?


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