

I haven't written much about it because I've been trying to stay calm - but as of July 27 we hadn't received Jordan's wedding band yet.  It was weeks and weeks late when it arrived on July 28th - but when it arrived....it was too small.

I got the call at work from the sales consultant who realized while on the phone with me that it was the wrong ring.  I called Jordan and asked him to swing by the shop and check it out - even though we had a plan to deal with this (which would be to buy a cheap replacement and then swap them afterwards), my anxiety level was pretty high.

Jordan at the shop chatted with the sales consultant - who by the end, upgraded Jordan to a ring that they had in stock!  No more waiting!  and this ring, has a beautiful diamond in it!

Check it out:

Loves it!


  1. That new one is extra cool. That's good customer service minus the lateness.

  2. It's beautiful, Jessie.

  3. That is one SEXY ring... good thing you guys were able to get things resolved.


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