
Hi! Miss me?


There's been a lot going on in my life over the last five months and it's been difficult to prioritize anything for myself, let alone my blog.   

The worst of it some of you have picked up on from my cryptic posts and I can't actually type it without crying- so I won't.

In addition to that, both my Great Aunt and my Dad's Mom are now in assisted living facilities in different provinces which involved a tonne of prep work and energy by the entire family to get them situated (my grandmother still not done yet).  It's for the best though, and we're hoping that they're enjoying their new spaces.

My best  friend and I had a huge falling out - she's been struggling with the way I'm coping with things and a significant absenteeism and commitment problem on my part.  We're going to get our nails done tonight though, so things are hopefully going to get better on that front.

July was hectic in and of itself - we have my birthday, my mom's, Jordan's mom's birthday, Jordan's birthday and his brother's birthday - not to mention the birthday's of two uncles and another cousin.  We did a lot of birthday dinners and party's - but for mine - my mom and I went camping.

We just got back from our trip actually - we had no cell phone or internet access for a full week which was magnificent.

There is still a tonne of busywork on my horizon, but I'm hoping to start writing more often again - I don't know about the rest of you, but my mom misses me when I don't.



  1. I do miss you. And camping with you was great.

  2. I'm sorry to hear about all that has happened and very sorry for your losses but I'm glad things are on the up swing. Welcome back, I've been checking weekly. :)

  3. Hugs from me too. Hopefully things have turned a corner. Looking forward to hearing more from you. ;)

  4. Good luck on blogging! I haven't been posting much either, feeling like everything has to be "important" or something. Performance anxiety, I guess.


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