
Kitchen Cabinet Handles Help

Okay, so we have our kitchen cabinet handles narrowed down to these two - what do you guys think? I really wanted the one on the right, until Jordan found the one on the left, and now he likes the one on the right and I'm more partial to the other....

There is a $2 price difference, and we need about 30 of them.

Oh! and here's a link to our fridge if that helps.  We're going with all slate appliances.




June Spend Report

We were out for a family vacation when the beginning of July rolled around, and I missed posting my June spend update.  I thought I would post it now.

Here it is!

Everything is pretty much standard with the exception of Medical and Home Maintenance.

Medical included a couple of hotel rooms and food for my specialist appointments in Alberta  that led to my foot surgery for my plantar fasciitis.

Home Maintenance...well that's a lot of spending for the renovation that's underway.  Some of the big items in there include:

- a $2,500 deposit on new appliances
- a $3,000 deposit on new flooring
- a $1,600 ikea bill for my bathroom vanity, faucets, storage unit etc.
- a $330 bill from Lowes for my kitchen sink

and more!  It just adds up!



It's so exciting now that the demo phase of the renovation is over and we are in full swing of the re building phase.

Our new subfloor has gone in for the kitchen and bathroom, walls have been rebuilt, and the drywall has been installed.

Today, the drywall mudder/taper is going in and then Jordan and I will be able to start painting!  So exciting!

After that the flooring, cabinets, trim, appliances, and final fixtures installs can start happening.

We're still probably 3-4 weeks away, but it feels like the home stretch.

I've been keeping track of every dollar we have spent so far (a little more than $10, 000) and what we have yet to spend (a little more than $35, 000) and am looking forward to sharing the breakdown with everyone soon.

We are saving where we can.  A few of our projects are:

  • Painting the cabinet doors ourselves (they are raw MDF)
  • Cutting, painting and installing the trim
  • All painting
  • Installing fixtures
Plus, we did all of the demo, and have done all of the runs to the dump.

Links ♥
